We knew it was coming
Cause All's Not Lost
The Truth of Discernment
Above Yesterday, Beyond Tomorrow
With Wings of Infinity
Beyond a Certain Oblivion
Untethered, Twice Bold
Like Other Gods With Ancient Rage
I Give No Hiding
And So It Be
We knew it was coming
We knew it was coming

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

96” x 120”

Cause All's Not Lost
Cause All's Not Lost

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

36” x 48”

The Truth of Discernment
The Truth of Discernment

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

48” x 60”

Above Yesterday, Beyond Tomorrow
Above Yesterday, Beyond Tomorrow

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

96” x 78”

With Wings of Infinity
With Wings of Infinity

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

60” x 72”

Beyond a Certain Oblivion
Beyond a Certain Oblivion

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

84” X 108”

Untethered, Twice Bold
Untethered, Twice Bold

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

72” x 84”

Like Other Gods With Ancient Rage
Like Other Gods With Ancient Rage

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

84” Diameter

I Give No Hiding
I Give No Hiding

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

36” x 48”

And So It Be
And So It Be

2023, Acrylic on Canvas

72” x 60”